Christian Engström, Pirat

7 mars 2013

European Parliament censors citizens trying to contact MEPs

Filed under: demokrati i eu,English — Christian Engström @ 15:56

Next week the European parliament will be voting on a resolution to ”ban all forms of pornography in media”. After this information became known to a wider audience, many citizens have decided to contact members of the European parliament to express their views on this issue.

This is absolutely excellent. Citizens engaging actively in the democratic process is a very positive thing, at least in my opinion. Before noon, some 350 emails had arrived in my office.

But around noon, these mails suddenly stopped arriving. When we started investigating why this happened so suddenly, we soon found out:

The IT department of the European Parliament is blocking the delivery of the emails on this issue, after some members of the parliament complained about getting emails from citizens.

This is an absolute disgrace, in my opinion. A parliament that views input from citizens on a current issue as spam, has very little democratic legitimacy in my opinion.

I will be writing a letter to the President of the European Parliament to complain about this totally undemocratic practice.

In the meantime, please continue to email members of the parliament on both the issue of the porn ban and on any other issue that you feel that you want to bring to the attention your elected representatives. Citizens taking active part in the political process is a fantastic asset for a democratic system, not a spam problem.

I am very disappointed that some of my colleagues in this house evidently have a different opinion.

82 kommentarer

  1. […] Ifølge EU-parlamentarikeren Christian Engström (Piratpartiet/Sverige) har EU-parlamentets IT-avdeling […]

    Pingback av Pornoforbud er også kvinnekamp – i EU-parlamentet | Ivers — 7 mars 2013 @ 16:06

  2. Good job! Keep on spreading.

    Kommentar av Anonym — 7 mars 2013 @ 16:48

  3. Good to see that some parties still hold citizen’s opinions in high regard.
    For example, I have sent several letters to UKIP mep which have all been answered within hours. As it should be.
    Keep this up! We count on parties like yours!

    Kommentar av Cor — 7 mars 2013 @ 16:49

  4. Dear Rick, thank you for exposing the ridiculous level of EU idiocy once again. Now, where is the Reboot button?

    Kommentar av Jakub — 7 mars 2013 @ 18:22

  5. This what the EU is, all of it. To think other wise you are ether naive or in on the deception.

    Kommentar av Guy Hollidge — 7 mars 2013 @ 18:28

  6. Funny how our european representatives manage to complain about receiving messages from the people they’re supposed to be representing. Well, it would be funny if it wasn’t so outrageous.

    And there’s the plan to protect MEPs from nosy citizens and journalists with 111 expensive glass doors, because talking to non-MEPs, it’s just not done over there.

    Why, exactly, are we still tolerating that bunch?

    Kommentar av Downer System — 7 mars 2013 @ 18:30

  7. wow ”after some members of the parliament” … if you can, public names pls.

    Kommentar av Anonym — 7 mars 2013 @ 19:20

  8. Jag vill också veta vilka MEP det är som gjort sig skyldiga till detta medborgarförakt. Är det några svenska ledamöter? I så fall har vi en skyldighet att informera väljarna före valet 2014. Så, förresten… Kanske bäst att suga på den karamellen tills dess.

    ”Brisera”. Jag gillar det ordet. Smaka på det: ”brisera”.

    Kommentar av Kloker — 7 mars 2013 @ 19:29

  9. Piratpartiet över 10% i euval2014! (sedan in riksdagen med god marginal)

    Kommentar av Henry Rouhivuori — 7 mars 2013 @ 19:42

  10. Are emails to all MPs getting blocked, or only mails to MPs who requested the block?
    How does the IT department block the emails? Manually, or by using a filter?
    Please elaborate…

    Kommentar av Ronald K — 7 mars 2013 @ 19:43

  11. The politicians that complained about being contacted by citizens should be thrown out of their jobs. They are there to represent the views of the citizens, not just push their own wishes through.

    Kommentar av Kris — 7 mars 2013 @ 20:14

  12. You could suggest to the IT team to create a web page where they list the MEP who would rather not be disturbed during their very important work by pesky uninformed citizens….
    So citizens would know when not to bother writing, this would be nice for them and of course restful for the MEP.
    And of course when it is time to vote citizens would be able to decide if they would rather have a MEP who is even slightly interested in their opinion, or who is ”fully dedicated to his work, and has no time for additional non expert input …”

    Kommentar av Patrick S — 7 mars 2013 @ 20:19

  13. Even better, they could auto bounce the citizens mail, and send a reply:
    Dear Citizen,
    This MEP does not wish to receive your email, if you are an elector from his constituency you are welcome to come in person during his ”meet the public” days, if you are not, tough luck…

    Kommentar av Patrick S — 7 mars 2013 @ 20:21

  14. I would like some more details on the block. Did the emails bounce, black hole (get deleted without notice) or get marked as spam/moved to spam folder?

    Kommentar av Simon Winter — 7 mars 2013 @ 20:30

  15. Reblogged this on Urbansundstrom’s Weblog.

    Kommentar av urbansundstrom — 7 mars 2013 @ 20:36

  16. Reblogged this on Occupy The Polls.

    Kommentar av Occupy The Polls — 7 mars 2013 @ 20:51

  17. And I, for one welcome our North Korean overlo- wait, what?

    Kommentar av noko — 7 mars 2013 @ 21:11

  18. This is totally uncalled for. No authority, not even the IT-department, may decide what communications an MEP shall receive or not. In fact, while messages to the European parliament as an institution are or should be a matter of public record, correspondence to an individual MEP must be regarded as private, and any inspection or filtering whether manual or automatic is a violation of that privacy. This last thing is actually of vital importance for the functioning of the Parliament as neither the IT-department nor the parliament leadership shall have any insight or control in any manner over, for example, party group internal communications through the parliament e-mail system.

    Hence, interrupting the communications of an MEP is no small thing. I’d say it borders on criminal negligence for a civil servant of the EP to be a part of such activities.

    Kommentar av Johan Tjäder — 7 mars 2013 @ 21:19

  19. As number 10 stated above. Is the IT department actively stopping communication to ALL MEPs?

    All heil to our supreme overlords, the admins and sysops of the IT-department!

    Kommentar av Anders — 7 mars 2013 @ 21:22

  20. I suppose all MEP:s demanding feedback to be blocked get a living from their inherited estates and simply have no need for the public to get their sandwiches buttered. Or don’t they?

    It is nothing but a disgrace to cut feedback from the very people that pay your salary. I see threats, hatred and violence towards MEP:s in my crystal bowl. The bitter fruits of the censorship tree. Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

    Kommentar av viktualiebroder — 7 mars 2013 @ 21:27

  21. […] El Parlamento Europeo censura a los ciudadanos que tratan de contactar con sus miembros [ENG] […]

    Pingback av El Parlamento Europeo censura a los ciudadanos que tratan de contactar con sus miembros [ENG] — 7 mars 2013 @ 22:11

  22. Wasn’t it Lawrence Lessig who (presciently) said, ”code is law?”

    Frankly, I suspected this king of garbage representation was only available to us in the USA.

    Kommentar av Anonym — 7 mars 2013 @ 22:16

  23. With a global crisis that is strangling families, the people who should represent us and who are paid with our money think it’s paramount to restrict our freedom of speech, of choice, of being. History has seen revolutions for much less than that. This is not the Europe i dreamed of. I see very dark times ahead of us.

    Kommentar av Anonym — 7 mars 2013 @ 22:27

  24. Reminds me of the time I received a document in Word format from a MEP from a (Green) party that advocates free software in its program. When I complained I was told that she had no choice in what software to run. Apparently the IT department is in charge of Europe, not the parliament.

    Kommentar av Anonym — 7 mars 2013 @ 22:38

  25. […] Read more about it from Christian Engström blog, European Parliament censors citizens trying to contact MEPs. […]

    Pingback av Members of European Parliament requested to block your email | Andreas Toksnok — 7 mars 2013 @ 22:42

  26. ”Ronald K — 7 mars 2013 @ 19:43”
    It was for all MEP’s even christians email was blocked as he says in this post.

    ”You could suggest to the IT team to create a web page where they list the MEP who would rather not be disturbed during their very important work by pesky uninformed citizens….
    So citizens would know when not to bother writing, this would be nice for them and of course restful for the MEP.
    Patrick S — 7 mars 2013 @ 20:19”
    This would be an ok tradeoff too push for i think not because it is right but after some time most off the MEP’s that wnat the block is not voted in anymore.

    Kommentar av Tommy Karlsson — 8 mars 2013 @ 0:28

  27. […] Party member Christian Engström MEP blew the whistle on his fellow political colleagues after they had complained to the parliament’s IT department that they were receiving vast […]

    Pingback av European Parliament blocks citizen emails protesting EU 'porn ban' - ViralBanter — 8 mars 2013 @ 0:31

  28. […] Party member Christian Engström MEP blew the whistle on his fellow political colleagues after they had complained to the parliament’s IT department that they were receiving vast […]

    Pingback av European Parliament blocks citizen emails protesting EU 'porn ban' ← SFH — 8 mars 2013 @ 0:54

  29. These guys deleted an e-mail before (deemed offensive), right out of MEPs mailboxes (not just Inbox but any location);

    Kommentar av Byte — 8 mars 2013 @ 2:52

  30. […] Party member Christian Engström MEP blew the whistle on his fellow political colleagues after they had complained to the parliament’s IT department that they were receiving vast […]

    Pingback av European Parliament blocks citizen e-mails protesting EU ‘porn ban’ | Tech-News — 8 mars 2013 @ 3:07

  31. It is a good move that they blocking Pornography ,It is awesome decision ,I support it

    Kommentar av kevin — 8 mars 2013 @ 5:33

  32. @kevin — 8 mars 2013 @ 5:33

    > ”It is a good move that they blocking Pornography ,It is awesome decision ,I support it”

    Do you support censorship even if it’s harmful to society in the end? Are you really prepared to sacrifice society’s well being, free speech and human rights all at once, as long as it satisfies your personal subjective pleasures? Your personal pleasure is more important than society and everybody else?

    It’s sad that there always are some ignorant short sighted selfish people who are completely unable to think further than one single step, and that they therefore never understand the real issues at hand, and why censorship, oppression of free speech and dismantling of human rights never ever is a good thing for society, but always harmful in a most real way, as history has proven so many times before.

    Kommentar av Fredrika — 8 mars 2013 @ 6:10

  33. […] ils reçoivent beaucoup d’email. Pas de soucis ! Il suffit de demander aux administrateurs de bloquer les emails des citoyens et le tour est joué ! Elle est pas belle la vie […]

    Pingback av Edito | Blog de Yoananda — 8 mars 2013 @ 9:43

  34. […] Party member Christian Engström MEP blew the whistle on his fellow political colleagues after they had complained to the parliament’s IT department that they were receiving vast […]

    Pingback av European Parliament blocks citizen e-mails protesting EU ‘porn ban’ | ReleasesBlog — 8 mars 2013 @ 10:00

  35. What I find most disturbing is the sneaky and dishonest way of hiding radical proposals inside innocent looking documents and fluffy text. It is common in the US Congress that corrupt Congressmen insert totally unrelated proposals inside complicated legaslative packages to please their paymasters. This has to be stopped.

    MEP Engström, how about adding a procedural rule to the EP that if a substantive measure has been hidden (or added inside a document where the title doesn’t mention it), the proposal should automatically be nullified and made invalid?

    Kommentar av Max Pont — 8 mars 2013 @ 12:15

  36. Is it possible to find out which MEPs called for the e-mails to be blocked?

    So we can tell them they’re a discrace and to resign with immediate effect?

    Kommentar av noko — 8 mars 2013 @ 12:37

  37. […] Qual’è il problema? Che in ossequio a non si sa bene quale determinazione l’IT del Parlamento Europeo ha deciso che la consegna di questi messaggi ai parlamentari europei dovesse essere censurata e i messaggi dei cittadini europei quindi cestinati. […]

    Pingback av creat « Sull’importanza politica della pornografia, oggi. — 8 mars 2013 @ 14:16

  38. […] said yesterday in my blog post that I would be sending a letter today to the President of the European Parliament, protesting […]

    Pingback av European Parliament blocks emails containing the word ”gender” on Internationa Women’s Day | Christian Engström, Pirate MEP — 8 mars 2013 @ 15:02

  39. […] European, a constatat unul din “piraţii” care fac parte din forul legislativ al UE, Christian Engström. Acesta ceruse părerea cetăţenilor cu privire la o încercare de introducere pe căi ocolite a […]

    Pingback av Plângerile adresate europarlamentarilor, interzise de către oficialii UE! | Blogul lui Donkeypapuas — 8 mars 2013 @ 15:21

  40. […] European Parliament censors citizens trying to contact MEPs http://christianengstrom.wordpress.c…-contact-meps/ __________________ Born Rich – Home of Luxury and Most Expensive things Eurobilltracker […]

    Pingback av Anonym — 8 mars 2013 @ 15:22

  41. […] European Parliament censors citizens trying to contact MEPs […]

    Pingback av Perry’s Perspective | Bring Back The Porn! EU Edition — 8 mars 2013 @ 15:41

  42. […] Party member Christian Engström MEP blew the whistle on his fellow political colleagues after they had complained to the parliament’s IT department that they were receiving vast […]

    Pingback av European Parliament blocks citizen e-mails protesting EU ‘porn ban’ | Technology News | CNET News | IT News — 8 mars 2013 @ 15:45

  43. @Max Pont (#35): Unfortunately it’s not very likely that you’ll ever see any parliament admit to missing things in the texts they approve. That would effectively shred any remaining good faith citizens may have in their legislature.

    However, this is also why you need a more versatile delegation of members from your own country, which can find all those additions or deceptive language constructs that may look good, but be something completely different. So while it may be a good thing to find Pirate parties in national parliaments too, it has certainly helped a lot to see it represented in European politics. I’d like to see it stay that way in 2014 too.

    Kommentar av Johan Tjäder — 8 mars 2013 @ 16:07

  44. Damn. Stop bullying the poor guys in Brussel. They arent your workers or something like that. How dare you send emails to them and tell them what you think as a citizen! Thats terrible!
    Just because european citizen pay the bills for them doesnt make them your workers!…… wait something is wrong here.

    Kommentar av Hans Klarsicht — 8 mars 2013 @ 17:04

  45. lol they dont even mascerade as a democratic institution anymore…

    Kommentar av — 8 mars 2013 @ 17:27

  46. I shall be looking forward to a thorough study of the comprehensive (and illustrated) manual that must be issued to the future censors. It will probably contain enough porn to satisfy me for quite some time.

    Kommentar av Jens Hansen — 8 mars 2013 @ 17:45

  47. Thanks for the info. Anything I want to send to them will be sent by fax instead in the future.

    Kommentar av Jan Schejbal — 8 mars 2013 @ 18:36

  48. By the way, in the German PP discussion maillist on European topics (, certain eu critic mails are also censored

    Kommentar av Enrico Weigelt, metux IT service — 8 mars 2013 @ 18:57

  49. Good to see there’s still people fighting this insane proposal. Keep up the good fight!

    Kommentar av Mick — 8 mars 2013 @ 20:03

  50. Thank you, mr. engström!

    Kommentar av roman g — 8 mars 2013 @ 20:41

  51. […] Source: Christian Engstrom […]

    Pingback av Citizen Emails Protesting Proposed Porn Ban Blocked By European Parliament | The Tech Journal — 8 mars 2013 @ 22:01

  52. Thank you for shining a light on this utterly disgracefull behavior!
    And i second the notion others have already voiced: The names of these MEP’s, that complained about this ”spam”, should be made public!
    Once that has happened, these ”democratic representavies” should receive tons of more ”spam” in a format that’s not that easily ignored, like Telephone calls, fax and good old letters by mail.

    Kommentar av Freeflight — 8 mars 2013 @ 22:23

  53. The only good thing about this is that the European Parliament has practically no real power.

    Kommentar av Anonym — 9 mars 2013 @ 3:40

  54. […] Secondo Engström si tratta di una «vergogna assoluta» e ha già anticipato che scriverà al presidente Martin Schultz per denunciare una pratica in effetti poco democratica. La posizione personale del deputato sulla risoluzione, inoltre, è di aperta contrarietà: […]

    Pingback av Legge anti porno: è già polemica in Europa — 9 mars 2013 @ 10:01

  55. […] article from by Christian Engstrom, Member of the European Parliament for […]

    Pingback av European Parliament blocks constituents emails re porn censorship…Pirate Party MEP blows the whistle on a disgraceful disregard for democracy « Melon Farmers Blog — 9 mars 2013 @ 10:08

  56. […] “When we started investigating why this happened so suddenly, we soon found out: The IT department of the European Parliament is blocking the delivery of the emails on this issue, after some members of the parliament complained about getting emails from citizens,” wrote Engström. […]

    Pingback av EU Lays Groundwork For Continent-Wide Ban On Pornography — 9 mars 2013 @ 15:13

  57. the sooner this whole illegalconstruct dies, the better. no one needs it and no one wants it, except the industry.
    it hasalready begun anway, this will end badly. mark my words

    Kommentar av the_watcher — 9 mars 2013 @ 19:25

  58. […] un secondo intervento sul suo blog ufficiale, Engström ha denunciato l’implementazione di uno specifico filtro […]

    Pingback av Pornografia, una milizia per il web? | SudTv Network — 9 mars 2013 @ 20:38

  59. Good job! If more politicians were like Engström, people might again see politics and especially democracy as something positive.

    Kommentar av Anonym — 10 mars 2013 @ 9:45

  60. […] i sig föranledde en liten spaning: DN publicerade en artikel med citat av Christian Engström, som driver frågan i Bryssel, och i slutet av artikeln stod det i första publiceringen: “DN har sökt Rick Falkvinge för […]

    Pingback av En pirats funderingar om feminism — 10 mars 2013 @ 12:35

  61. […] publik wurde, folgte öffentliche Empörung und zahlreiche Protestschreiben an die Abgeordneten, berichtet Christian Engström, der für die Piratenpartei im EU-Parlament sitzt. Er erhielt rund 350 E-Mails […]

    Pingback av Pornoverbots-Posse im EU-Parlament - ComputerBase — 10 mars 2013 @ 22:59

  62. Jag ser det inte som självklart att de klagande MEParna är så väldigt skyldiga när jag inte vet vad de har sagt och vad de har begärt. Om de fått så mycket post så att det var problematiskt att hantera så var det rätt att vända sig till support och be om en lösning. Dessa borde ha hjälpt dem att skapa filter som lade vissa mail i en särskild folder eller liknande. Om någon verkligen bad om att helt slippa undan dessa mail så tycker jag att det är en dålig MEP, men det är ingen skandal om några dåliga MEPar spammarkerar riktiga mail från ”folket”. Det som är en skandal är att denna post stoppades generellt. Vem bestämde att detta skulle bli ”lösningen”? Var det (för ovanlighets skull) tekniker på supporten?!

    Kommentar av Per Starbäck — 11 mars 2013 @ 12:50

  63. […] Secondo Engström si tratta di una «vergogna assoluta» e ha già anticipato che scriverà al presidente Martin Schultz per denunciare una pratica in effetti poco democratica. La posizione personale del deputato sulla risoluzione, inoltre, è di aperta contrarietà: […]

    Pingback av Siti Internet Aziendali » Legge anti porno: è già polemica in Europa — 11 mars 2013 @ 13:22

  64. […] Party member Christian Engström MEP, who first brought the news to light, called the move an “absolute disgrace”, and said that he would complain to the […]

    Pingback av Panic over as EU votes to reject ‘porn ban’ proposals | LiMiT — 12 mars 2013 @ 14:31

  65. I suggest that all those MEPs who voted against the ban should be investigated by the police for porn activities – After all we are told that if you have nothing to fear then you should welcome the investigation. 🙂

    Kommentar av Stephen Hill — 12 mars 2013 @ 15:22

  66. Oh yes, and ditto the IT departments who stopped the email

    Kommentar av Stephen Hill — 12 mars 2013 @ 15:24

  67. […] wieder werde versucht, die Internetanbieter dazu zu bringen, Bürger beim Surfen zu kontrollieren, bloggte Engström und löste damit einen Social-Media-Proteststurm aus. Er erinnerte daran, dass das Parlament gerade […]

    Pingback av Abstimmung: EU-Parlament kippt Porno-Verbot | Kiss Canaries — 12 mars 2013 @ 16:06

  68. […] Party member Christian Engström, who first brought the news to light, called the move an “absolute disgrace”, and said that he would complain to the […]

    Pingback av EU votes to reject ‘porn ban’ proposals | Tech-News — 12 mars 2013 @ 16:07

  69. […] Party member Christian Engström, who first brought the news to light, called the move an “absolute disgrace”, and said that he would complain to the […]

    Pingback av EU votes to reject ‘porn ban’ proposals | Technology News | CNET News | IT News — 12 mars 2013 @ 16:40

  70. […] ha deciso di filtrarle. A raccontarlo è stato ancora Engström: “In poco tempo – scrive l’8 marzo il deputato sul suo sito – molti cittadini hanno scritto per dire la loro. Prima di mezzogiorno, solo a me erano […]

    Pingback av Ue, Bruxelles dice no alla messa la bando del porno nei media - Il Fatto Quotidiano — 13 mars 2013 @ 10:54

  71. […] members of the parliament complained about getting emails from citizens, aldus Engström na wat onderzoek. Dat lees je goed. Volksvertegenwoordigers vertegenwoordigen het volk, maar geven niet thuis als […]

    Pingback av Europees Parlement blokkeert mail van klagende burgers • Marketingporn — 13 mars 2013 @ 14:10

  72. […] EU blocked citizens’ emails as spam… […]

    Pingback av S06E03 – The Pope Must Ubuntu | Ubuntu Podcast — 14 mars 2013 @ 21:32

  73. Why would you imagine a body originating from the alliance of international ( merchant ) banks with armaments manufacturers ( in 1919 ), would wish to hear from the toiling masses ? The only thing they and their sponsors desire, is a complaisant horde of dummies, primed to march off and fight their proxy wars for them – whether trade wars, or seizures of other people’s natural resources

    Kommentar av Leshy Huston — 15 mars 2013 @ 10:48

  74. […] publicerade en artikel med citat av Christian Engström, somdriver frågan i Bryssel, och i slutet av artikeln stod det i första publiceringen: “DN har sökt Rick Falkvinge för […]

    Pingback av Piratpartiet, porr och feminism | copy is right — 15 mars 2013 @ 22:01

  75. A non-story. The EU resolution is not a directive. In any case it will likely fail, just as aims to stop swastikas in every country failed. And in any case even if passed, it will be the individual countries – e.g. Austria, that has legalized adverts for sex tourism and cigarette machines on the street, cigarette smoking in ice cream parlors and widespread tobacco advertising – shows the EU will not really have any affect here. And my guess this will apply in the other countries in a similar way.

    Kommentar av Markus Petz — 17 mars 2013 @ 0:30

  76. […] Party member Christian Engström, who first brought the news to light, called the move an “absolute disgrace”, and said that he would complain to the […]

    Pingback av EU votes to reject 'porn ban' proposals | Internet & Media - CNET News » Chuda Chudi Blog — 17 mars 2013 @ 12:11

  77. This whole issue shows clearly again, that the EU is anything but democratic.

    Kommentar av Ikarus342000 — 23 mars 2013 @ 17:30

  78. […] Party member Christian Engström, who first brought the news to light, called the move an “absolute disgrace”, and said that he would complain to the […]

    Pingback av EU votes to reject ‘porn ban’ proposals 12.03.13 » — 24 mars 2013 @ 14:49

  79. […] Party member Christian Engström MEP blew the whistle on his fellow political colleagues after they had complained to the parliament’s IT department that they were receiving vast […]

    Pingback av European Parliament blocks citizen e-mails protesting EU ‘porn ban’ 07.03.13 » — 24 mars 2013 @ 15:02

  80. To the European Commission :


    In order to create a Turkish nation from above, Turkish nationalists waged a bloody campaign against non-Turkish and non-Muslim elements of the empire.
    The First World War served as an excuse for the Young Turks, the then Turkish goverment, to exterminate Armenians. It was a deliberate and sustain war, in the course of which hundreds of thousands Armenians, Syrians and Greeks had been ruthlessly killed or forced into exile.
    The collapse of the Ottomans had left a power vacuum, filled by another section of the Turkish nationalists, called Kemalists at a later time.
    Mass extermination of the Ottoman times and also an extermination of an ethnically distinct and separate people from Turks.
    What happened back then has been handed down to the later generations by their parents and grand-parents, who witnessed the onslaught, and of whom some are still alive.
    Furthermore the sites of the mass graves all over West Armenia are well known and can easily be located if and when need be. The ruins of the country`s cultural heritage including churches belonged to the nations`s Christian section are still visible.
    People wish to see the justice served. A search for justice has already began. A legal action against Turkey will at long last be taken at some time in the future.

    We demand of the Turkish authorities firstly the recognition of our country, occupied west Armenia, which was autonomous under the Ottoman Empire and which lost its autonomy; secondly the recognition of the genocides or attempted genocides suffered by our people and which it witnessed in 1915.
    We demand the immediate end of the policy designated under the name ‘Plan D’ which forces the population into an exodus or forced assimilation.

    We demand demilitarisation and the banning of all the activities of military and paramilitary teams which have been exercising terror over the population since 1889.
    The language of the occupied west Armenia, is still banned today. We demand self-determination in the matter of communication, education and social organisation. The Turkish state must recognise the specific beliefs and traditions of the occupied west Armenia people. The policy of Islamisation and Turkishisation (exemplified by the precept: ‘one mosque per village, one Imam per village’) must cease.
    The military policy of the Turkish state has already destroyed a great part of our patrimony: setting fire to our forests, bombing our villages, systematic destruction of our historical monuments the sacred of our culture, and riches of humanity as well.

    We bring to your attention this dramatic reality in the context of the discussion of entering into negotiations with Turkey.

    May the threat to pour people end and may all the minorities of Anatolia live in peace.
    We, the signatures below, demand justice and support the initiatives aiming to bring Turkey to justice.

    Hakis Datvan, spokesman for the Collective Lake Van.

    Click here, if you want to sign

    Kommentar av Hakis datvan — 4 april 2013 @ 13:41

  81. […] Și a primit următorul răspuns stupefiant: […]

    Pingback av Parlamentul European: Mizerie totală | NewsInfo1000 — 11 april 2013 @ 11:56

  82. The EEC is anything but democratic. Mansfield was a communist. The Mansfield doctrine on which the EEC statutes are based are not democratic atoll. Many persons do not know or understand this. And here is the main problem.
    Practical the can act like autocrats and the do. The latest act, as we discuss, against Pornographic material in media, is a typical example. The want to regulate anything and tell us what is good or bad for us.
    I am real furious that the blocked you. Nobody should interfere with the free expression of anybody. Blocking Internet contend is censorship. Where is the freedom of speech.
    Interesting is the weak protest from the EEC to new laws which restrict the freedom in Hungary. Is this a test case for the next steps?


    Bernd Kohler

    Kommentar av Ikarus342000 — 14 april 2013 @ 15:55

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