Christian Engström, Pirat

11 maj 2011

What are Cecilia Malmström’s promises on Internet censorship worth?

Filed under: Censilia,English,informationspolitik — Christian Engström @ 15:02

When arguing for Internet blocking of child pornography, EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström promised to oppose any idea about extending the blocking to other areas

I have just submittedthe following question to the Commission:

Written Question to the Commission (Rule 117)

SUBJECT: Commissioner Malmström’s personal actions to oppose extended Internet blocking

On May 6, 2010, Commissioner Malmström gave a keynote speech at a conference, presenting the Commission’s proposed Directive to combat sexual abuse, sexual exploitation of children and child pornography. On the subject of blocking sexual child abuse pictures on the Internet, Commissioner Malmström said:

”[T]he Commission’s proposal is about child abuse images, no more no less. The Commission has absolutely no plans to propose blocking of other types of content – and I would personally very strongly oppose any such idea.” [1]

On 17 February, 2011, the Council’s Law Enforcement Working Party LEWP presented its intention to propose concrete measures towards creating a single secure European cyberspace with a certain ”virtual Schengen border” and ”virtual access points” whereby the Internet Service Providers (ISP) would block illicit contents on the basis of the EU ”black-list”. [2]

What has Commissioner Malmström personally done to oppose this idea?



An answer from the Commission should be expected in about 6 weeks, and will appear on my EU-parl page for written questions.

Update: The answer has now arrived:

Answer given by Ms Malmström
on behalf of the Commission

According to the information at the disposal of the Commission, the initiative referred to by the Honourable Member is a presentation by an expert of the Hungarian delegation with the title ”Towards the single Secure European Cyberspace” given during a joint meeting of the Law enforcement Working Party and the Customs Cooperation Working Party of the Council of the European Union. It is not a specific proposal for action proposed or endorsed by the Council, the General Secretariat of the Council or the Presidency.

The Commission will not react to a presentation made by a national expert.

The Commission has tabled a proposal for a Directive on combating sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children as well as child pornography [1], which takes the obligation of Member States to remove and block access to websites containing or disseminating child pornography into account. The proposal is currently under discussion. The Council has adopted a general approach on 3 December 2010, and the Parliament LIBE Committee has taken an orientation vote on 14 February 2011.

The Commission does not envisage to propose the blocking of other types of illegal content.


[1] COM(2010) 94 final: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating the sexual abuse, sexual exploitation of children and child pornography, repealing Framework Decision 2004/68/JHA.


Others who write about the subject: The Daily Telegraph, Tags: , , ,

9 kommentarer

  1. The commission seems to want to ignore that once a blocking system is in place, for whatever reason, it is very easy to expand the same framework for other uses (especially if it’s based on a secret blacklist). For examples you just have to see how often copyright, trademark and libel laws are used to censure unwanted speech rather than actually damaging speech, all over the world.

    Secondly, how exactly does blocking child porn solve any problem AT ALL? It doesn’t remove the images from the servers, it doesn’t stop whoever runs the servers, and doesn’t stop children from being abused. Plus anyone wanting to access the blocked sites can just use a proxy or VPN, and the block serves as a warning to the operator that authorities know about the site!

    It’s just blocking for blocking’s sake. Just because people don’t want that stuff to be available. Well… so neither do I. But I want censorship even less.

    Kommentar av Nelson Cruz — 11 maj 2011 @ 19:17

  2. […] botten. Det kommer mera. Alltid mera. Den som säger något annat ljuger – som till exempel Cecilia Malmström. Du […]

    Pingback av Bankerna blir Fed’s bitches « Viktualiebrodern — 11 maj 2011 @ 20:40

  3. […] Piratpartiet gör skillnad i EU-parlamentet. Vi tillför ett perspektiv som ingen annan har. Vi behövs. Det är dessutom viktigt att vi ser till att informera andra om allt bra arbete som Piratpartiet […]

    Pingback av Nyhetsbrev 2011-05-11 | Anna Troberg — 11 maj 2011 @ 20:41

  4. Censilia will choose one of two possible ways to brush your question aside:

    1: She may try to redefine ”idea” as ”formal proposal” and claim that there is nothing to oppose at this time as there is no formal proposal to mandate censoring anything other than child abuse.

    2: She may claim that ”illicit content” means child abuse and nothing else.

    Of course she will use a much vaguer wording than I’ve done here, so that the logical errors won’t be obvious if one doesn’t look for them, and I’m sure she will herself believe that the logic holds.

    There, now you don’t have to wait six weeks. 😉

    Kommentar av Björn Persson — 11 maj 2011 @ 21:27

  5. Hej!

    När du ändå är i gång så kan ju du fråga Malmström hur hon ser på VPN-tjänster!

    Kommentar av starsystem017 — 11 maj 2011 @ 22:18

  6. Yes, criticising European Democracy (that is; the Commission, Council, Court, and Parliament) is of course ground for blacklisting.

    Kommentar av Putte — 11 maj 2011 @ 22:35

  7. Tjenamorsen Christian.

    Härligt att se att du kämpar på! Skönt att se att rösten i EU-parlamentet verkligen inte blev ”bortkastad” så som olyckskorparna kraxade. =)

    Cecilia kan alltid påstå att ”syftet” är att endast komma åt barnporr, men att det är ”till varje pris”. Att annat kan ”råka” fastna i censurfiltret ( som vi säkert kommer se ske både en och fler gånger ).

    Det kan ju ske ”misstag” då alla möjliga olika lagar och regler ska efterföljas. Jag skulle tro att när väl detta sker så kommer Malmström att säga ”oj det var tråkigt, men det är ju så himla viktigt att värna barnen, så lite fel får vi ju acceptera att det blir ändå”.

    Alltså en taktik som går ut på att helt förneka att det är med flit som ”fildelningssajter” censureras.

    Allt i linje med den numer uppenbara taktiken att genom PR försöka tysta, dölja och ”förminska” piratverksamheten i allmänhetens ögon. Tillochmed förmå medier att rapportera om ”undersökningar” där fildelning påstås minska och sen vägra uppge källa för dessa.

    Utan källa kan ingen kritisera informationen. Precis vad inkvisitionen vill! Enkla budskap som varken kommer behöva förklaras eller försvaras.

    Kommentar av gastlind — 11 maj 2011 @ 22:45

  8. […] vor zwei Tagen mit einer interessanten Schriftlichen Frage an die EU-Kommission gewandt. In seinem Blog überschreibt er den Kontext seiner Frage treffend mit den Worten: „What are Cecilia […]

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