Christian Engström, Pirat

17 mars 2010

No ACTA transparency from Spain

Filed under: ACTA,English,informationspolitik — Christian Engström @ 20:08

Spanish Secretary of State Diego López Garrido (middle) giving answers

The Spanish Secretary of State to the EU, Mr. Diego López Garrido, just visited us in IMCO, the European Parliament’s committee for consumer protection and the internal market.

He talked for about half an hour in very general terms: ”The 2020 Strategy is the key to developing the internal market. The 2020 Strategy and the EU Structural Funds are the two most powerful tools that the EU has,” etcetera.

Many words, little content.

But he also mentioned the ACTA agreement, and more specifically the resolution that the European Parliament passed with and overwhelming majority last week.

”The Council wants to combat counterfeiting and piracy, through the ACTA agreement,” said the Spanish Secretary of State. ”The resolution highlights transparency and the role of the European Parliament. We will have to take the resolution into account, as well as the position of other countries.”

After his introductory speech, the members of the committee got a chance to ask questions. About half a dozen of us did so, including me.

Since he had mentioned ACTA and the resolution, I asked him what concrete actions the Spanish Presidency is planning, to ensure that the European Parliament gets access to all the relevant documents as quickly as possible.

First Mr. Lopez answered everybody’s questions except mine, which he conveniently forgot. It was only after the chairman of the committee reminded him, that he presented an answer at all.

He said that the Spanish presidency was in talks with the European Parliament to amend the Access to Documents Regulations, and would continue to participate in the inter-institutional talks on this matter. He was hoping that this would lead to an amended regulation some time in May.

And that was it.

On the actual access to the ACTA documents, the Spanish Secretary of State said nothing at all.

That the general regulation on access to documents will have to be amended now that the Lisbon Treaty has come into force is one thing, but that was not what I had asked him about.

But I saw no point in repeating the question once more (after the committee chairman had already done so once). I believe that this is in fact the true answer to what the Spanish Presidency will do to comply with the European Parliament’s demand for transparency on ACTA:

Absolutely nothing.

I am of course very grateful to the Spanish Secretary of State for his very frank (non-)answer. At least we know where we stand now.


Previous articles on ACTA

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10 kommentarer

  1. […] Lika illa är det på upphovsrättssidan. ATCA innehåller förvisso inget krav på three strikes-regeln, men enligt de läckta dokumenten är det fortfarande ett möjligt scenario. Samtidigt blir situationen allt värre i Storbritannien… […]

    Pingback av Peanut Gallery: Rättsmedvetandet « Full Mental Straightjacket — 17 mars 2010 @ 20:21

  2. That answer was so lame so I think the secretary was caught very much off guard. (Strange, but anyway.)

    Perhaps the Council should not have opinions on the relations between the Commission and the Parliament. But then, you should have gotten that response instead.

    I urge you and your colleagues to hold alternative and open conferences on combatting counterfeits.

    Kommentar av Johan Tjäder — 17 mars 2010 @ 20:32

  3. […] España no aporta transparencia al ACTA [ENG]…  por Rykn hace 2 segundos […]

    Pingback av España no aporta transparencia al ACTA [ENG] — 17 mars 2010 @ 21:08

  4. Bueno, la verdad es que no podemos confiar en nadie hoy dia….

    Kommentar av Shroud Of Turin — 17 mars 2010 @ 23:07

  5. This does nothing but cement my impression that the council views the EU primarily as a market to be developed – the idea that it is a society with principles to be safeguarded and defended is merely an afterthought.

    Not releasing all ACTA details makes a public political discussion impossible, and I cannot help wondering if that is the even the purpose. If public insight will continue to be blocked, this ”trade agreement” (should it pass) will be 100% invalid in my opinion.

    Kommentar av enorlin — 17 mars 2010 @ 23:19

  6. What about just printing out the protocol from the vote on the recent resolution, and simply walking over to whoever is in charge of the ACTA negotiations and demand copies of every document? The decision is there.

    Kommentar av Anders Troberg — 18 mars 2010 @ 6:00

  7. […] Christian Engström noterar att det spanska ordförandeskapet slår händerna mot öronen och säger LA LA LA LA LA så fort Europaparlamentets krav på ACTA-öppenhet kommer på tal, i en bloggpost med namnet No ACTA transparency from Spain. […]

    Pingback av Christian Engström: No ACTA transparency from Spain | Rick Falkvinge (PP) — 18 mars 2010 @ 9:56

  8. How long does this Spanish presidency last? Who takes over after them?

    Kommentar av Rick — 18 mars 2010 @ 15:36

  9. No dicen nada de nada, Es una vergüenza que estén haciendo esto a las espaldas de la gente, en fin, las declaraciones estas son bastante normales para un español, puesto que este gobierno de responde a las preguntas que le hacen sin aportar nada de contenido.
    They don’t tell nada about it. It is a shame that they are negotiating this agreement without telling the people the content of it. This declarations are nothing new to a spaniard, we already know that this government always answer with this kind of bullshit, too much words but zero content.
    You in Europe are just starting to taste it, zapatero and his goverment are Liars

    Kommentar av Nombre — 18 mars 2010 @ 17:03

  10. […] Spain […]

    Pingback av ACTA – At blame « D/i/g/i/talVom/i/t — 13 september 2010 @ 2:32

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